Maps — from niche to a must

Martin Wangen-Eriksen
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2023


In today’s digital world, the ability to visualize, analyze, and interpret geographic data is becoming increasingly crucial across various industries. Whether it’s optimizing supply chain routes, monitoring environmental changes, or enhancing urban planning, the integration of interactive maps into applications has become a transformative force.

Google Maps (21.08.2023)

The integration of maps into web pages has undergone a remarkable evolution, transitioning from a limited application primarily focused on weather updates and electoral insights to a dynamic and indispensable tool for understanding a broad range of data. Prior to the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, maps were often seen as niche features use primarily by Google maps or map focused applications like Uber. While these applications provided valuable visual context, their prevalence was relatively confined.

However, the landscape changed dramatically in the wake of the pandemic. As the world grappled with unprecedented challenges, the need for effective data communication became paramount. Organizations, governments, and individuals found themselves facing the complex task of conveying intricate information, such as infection rates, healthcare resources, travel restrictions, and vaccination distribution. Traditional tabular data and charts struggled to encapsulate the intricate interplay of spatial relationships and real-time dynamics inherent in the pandemic’s progression.

Map over Corona virus infection rates in Europe (21.08.2023)

In response, the integration of maps into web development rapidly shifted from being an ancillary feature to a central component. Maps emerged as a vital medium for presenting multifaceted data in a way that was accessible, relatable, and responsive to rapidly changing circumstances. From tracking the spread of the virus to identifying hotspot regions, from visualizing medical infrastructure to illustrating vaccination progress, maps provided an intuitive lens through which individuals and decision-makers could grasp the gravity of the situation.

This transformation did not merely apply to pandemic-related information. The success of map-based COVID-19 visualizations underscored the potential of geospatial tools in conveying diverse datasets across various domains. Organizations recognized that maps could offer a fresh perspective on traditional data, making patterns and correlations more evident, enabling more informed decision-making. Consequently, maps transcended their previous limitations, becoming instruments not only for weather forecasts and political analyses but also for business intelligence, environmental monitoring, urban planning, and beyond.

Decision making

Visualizing mutliple different map layers on a map can be a great way to help you decide location based on multiple factors

Visualization of an imaginary process of choosing a location for a swimming pool in the greater Oslo area

Enhancing you data

By classifying your data by geographical areas you are more likely to get useful information out of it. This example shows crime rates in San Fransisco divided into block groups. This provides a significantly improved perspective on allocating financial resources toward local initiatives aimed at crime prevention.

Map of crime rates in San Fransisco
San Fransisco crimes by block group (22.08.23)

In the aftermath of the pandemic, the utilization of maps in web development continues to flourish. The once-niche tool has blossomed into a mainstream asset, offering a compelling way to bridge the gap between complex data and meaningful comprehension. As we navigate a future where data-driven insights are more essential than ever, the transformative power of map integration serves as a testament to the adaptability of technology in the face of monumental challenges. The era of post-COVID-19 map utilization not only revolutionized how we visualize information but also solidified maps as a cornerstone of effective and engaging web development.

Looking closer at the maps that emerged during and after the pandemic it is prevalent that ArcGIS tools are used a lot. ESRI, the company behind all the ArcGIS, provides a large toolbox of GIS related software helping GIS engineers and developers store, manipulate and visualize geographical information. Learning how to integrate maps in web applications is becoming increasingly more important and you should start learning it today!

